Re: 69 swb
i messed with alittle this afternoon and i can go in hit the key and it fires up. the clutch feels good as i moved around and pulled in front of the garage. motor sounds good would run alot better with a carb rebuild and a tuneup. also looked over the frame and its all in one piece as far as i can tell at this point. still not sure what im goin gto do with it yet, maybe just part it out. as i had mentioned before tho i did find a couple of nice cabs and just talked to a friend of mine and he has 2 front fenders i can have cheap, only other thing i would need is a rad support and inners for now. maybe just build a flatbed for the back for now till i come across a nice bed
I don't do thing cuz I can, I do it cuz someone told me it couldn't be done...