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Old 07-27-2010, 10:32 PM   #546
Registered Cruiser
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twice pipes

After thirteen years since I originally put my truck together, Today I had the exhaust re-done. Back in '97 I had turbo mufflers installed with the tailpipes exiting in front of the rear wheels. It wasn't overly loud, but I sure wasn't going to sneak up on anyone. Move forward to 2010. Those same mufflers were pretty much blown out, and pretty loud. Not leaking mind you, just blown out and rattly on the inside.

I told the exhaust guy I wanted the biggest, quietest mufflers I could get with the pipes exiting out the back! "Make this thing quiet!" Big smiley faces can't describe how happy I am with the results. It's so much more pleasant to drive without the constant drone of the engine. Oh and keep an eye on your mirror. That's me sneaking up on you.

I intend to live forever. So far, so good.
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