Thread: 200R4 Swap ?
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Old 07-31-2010, 02:06 AM   #13
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Re: 200R4 Swap ?

Originally Posted by ebfabman View Post
I replaced a Saginaw 3 speed with the 200r4 or 2004r or whatever. I actually bought 2 of em because of all the reading I did in preparation for the swap, was expecting to blow one up which hasn't happened yet and its been in the truck for about 10,000 miles now. I did not check any line pressures or do any fancy brackets for the tv cable, in fact its attached with zip ties (really, I will post some pics) You will however need some adjustability for the tv cable, but its real easy. I did the swap purely experimental and was expecting some failure, but guess maybe I'm lucky. My truck has the stock 3.73's and I'm running a 28 inch tall tire. To lock up the converter, I just ran a jumper from the battery through a switch down to the solenoid prong on the side of the tranny. Very unsanitary install but it was experimental and on the CHEAP! As I said, this is a great mod and is worth doing right (not like I did, at least so far) You will love it.
I installed the Lockup converter pressure switch today. It was really easy, on the passenger side of the 200R4 there was a plug that I took out and installed the pressure switch. I then pluged the harness into the Driver Side of the tranny and ran it over the top of the tranny to the Pressure Switch. I then ran a wire, provided, to an accessory terminal in the fuse box and its all done. Im not usually lucky so I think its worth taking a trip to the Tranny shop to let them dial in the TV cable. In fact I found that both the end of the cable that goes through the plate on the back of the Carb is broken and so is the end peice that goes onto the carb linkage. Im wondering if someone reproduces the TV Cable or if you can buy one stock from Napa or something? I look forward to driving my Sons truck and see how it handles on the Highway. We have 33 inch tires on his truck and it has a 4.10 to 1 Gear in the back. Im guessing about 2400 RPM at 80. If I like it in this truck I am going to install one in my other Sons 64 Short wide. What kind of Gas Mileage did you get on your trip to Oklahoma?

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