Originally Posted by KevsClassics
I Don,t buy that theory. Because when you buy a brand new veh. The plates are sent from main DMV in Sacto. Not your local Dmv office. JMO
You have a very good point Kevin. The only time you get the plates from your local DMV would be "in person" at that particular office. When you purchase the vehicle NEW from a dealership the plates are sent from Sac. to your house.
My dad has an 86 Ferd Bronco that he purchased from the dealer in 1986. It was "dealer owned" and had 384 miles, and had blue plates on it. Blue plates stopped in 83, so why would it have blue plates??? ANSWER: The dealer carried them over from a previous vehicle that they owned. This is how plates from an earlier year vehicle end up on a later model. As long as the original registered owner (dealer or person) elects to
retain the plates, they can be used again to register the subsequent vehicle. This is why you see blue and black plates on 80's, 90's, etc. model vehicles. The owner has had them since way back when, and has used them each time he has purchased another vehicle.
This either clears it up, or adds another twist...