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Old 08-06-2010, 09:24 PM   #22
CJ Loeffelholz
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Re: Reproduction 1968 fenders

Originally Posted by BarryB View Post
This occurrence reminds me of a friend of mine. He was selling hubcaps at the flea market, a guy wanted to buy a Cadillac hubcap he had, The price was a fair price of 10 bucks, This guy offered 5 bucks. My friend told him I'll stomp it before I take 5 dollars for it. Guy said you would not, Well Ole Dave proceeded to throw it on the ground and stomp the piss out of it, right there while the guy watched. Needless to say the guy was shocked. The guys wife gave Dave the 10 dollars because she said it was worth seeing her husband finally get put in his place for being a cheapskate.

Now I relayed this story to give you guys a laugh, not to offend anybody in anyway.

Honest to God - I was bringing the fenders and door over to my neighbor's house tonight and we were going to flatten them all in to a crushed ball with his backhoe. I was going to then post a picture and write, "Hey, now I can save some gas money by delivering them on a motorcycle. What's your address?"
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