Obviously, the higher CFM the better. Some numbers that I've seen are like 70% core coverage for a fan without a shroud, which with the rectangular shape of ours you would be better off running two.
I know Classic Heartbeat sells a setup that might be what you are looking for.
The question I'd have is what's wrong with the mechanical fan and a shroud? I realize it free's up horsepower, but it also puts demand on your electrical system. I like electric fans, so don't get me wrong, I went through the same thing as you when I dropped my engine in, mainly because of space with my serpentine setup. Found out that a big block shroud would work with the stock fan. A few dollars latter and I'm running the stock fan from the '98.
'68 C-10 LWB, '98 Z-71 350 w/accessories (Serpentine), Edelbrock Performer, Edelbrock 1405 (600cfm) carb, GM HEI, CompCam Extreme 4x4 roller cam, Thorley Headers, Carter Electric Fuel Pump, Vintage Air, 700r4, 3.73, disc brakes and power steering upgrades.