I have a ways to go on my project and really need to get some stuff done on it this weekend, but all I can seem to do this morning is stare at it. Been in the garage for 2 hours this morning and all I've managed to do is stare...stare...figure out what parts I need to run a fuel line from the blazer tank to the fuel pump...stare...stare some more...etc.
I must be subconsciously overwhelmed with the work that's left...I keep telling myself to just pick a small task and complete it, but I can't seem to get moving.
Maybe it's the heat...high today is 103, tomorrow is supposed to be 106....which would make it at least 18 days in a row of 100+ heat. And the humidity makes it even worse.
Forgive the rant, just wanted to call myself out for being a pansy.