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Old 08-29-2010, 04:28 PM   #6
Old Heap Driver
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Newport News, Va
Posts: 2,643
Re: What did you get done 8/30/10 edition

I had ordered new heads for my S-10 last Sunday, but un-ordered them Monday morning. LOL. A friend of mine owns the shop where I placed the order. He called me Monday morning and said he had a pair of cast iron heads, ported, big valves, with 75cc combustion chambers. (The old ones measured out at 64CC). Yes, the goal was to reduce my compression ratio so I could stop buying Cam2 ($7.00 a gallon) to mix with 93 octane. Success! Swapped out the heads yesterday and the truck runs awesome without a hint of detonation. It also runs cooler now that I can actually bump up the timing.

'99 Silverado 1500, 4.3, 5-speed, reg cab, short bed
'50 Chevy 2DR Hard Top, 350/350, M2 Front End, 3:08 gear, cruiser.
'40 F**d Sedan, all Chevy power, Heidt's front end, TCI rear, nice driver.
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