Thread: LT4 swap
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Old 09-06-2010, 06:20 PM   #1
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LT4 swap

I am getting things ready to a LT4 swap from a donor 96 Vette Grand Sport 6 speed and l need some info about it, I am waiting for the DVD and catalog from S&P which should help. Install it in my 69 10. Things that I am not sure about are:
-I will be staying with the auto trany TH350 for now will up grade to over drive later what VVS do I need to buy? 6 speed broke in the roll over crash.
-Will the trany bolt right up?
-Can I use my flex plate and starter? Or should I get one that is for the LT4 auto?
-The manual fly wheel is smaller in diameter so think the starter won't work?
-Who is good to send the ECM to, to remove VATS and what else should they do to it?
-What is a good after market fuel pump heard that there is heat problems if you don't use in tank I have everything from the Vette but don't know if I should mass with adpting it to a stock tank (just put a new tank in a while back should have went to a rear tank in hine sight). I did put a return in at the time though.
-I am thinking of modifing and using the Vette wiring I have everthing.
I am sure there is more that I have forgot about so please any input will be helpful.

Thanks Dave
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