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Old 09-10-2010, 07:58 AM   #2
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Re: I got a new car!

The interior is rough for sure. You can run into some big repair bills if you're not careful too.

I have lots of good memories with 944s with my best friend. When he was 15, with his own money he earned, he bought his first 944. It was a black '84. He bought his second when he was 17. It was a red '87 Turbo. For a while he had both cars in the driveway until the '84 sold. How many high school kids can say they own 2 Porsches? Through the years he had a lot of work done to the '87 and that thing was FAST! He eventually sold it and moved on to other cars, but he came back to these cars a couple years ago when he bought a gorgeous '92 968 convertible. I'm sure he'll keep this one for a while.
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