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Old 09-10-2010, 09:52 AM   #13
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Re: 72 C-10 and my first it safe?

Originally Posted by nickp51chevy View Post
The biggest thing that I would recommend is getting new seat belts; the retractable 3-point shoulder strap belts. Spend the extra money if you don't already have them. These trucks came equip for them.
Very nice, I hadn't seen that!! I think in this day and age of seatbelt facts, 3-point belts are a worth while up-grade.

I think as long as you can keep the little one strapped in you'll be fine.
It all depends on what kind of collision happens. There are some crashes where no amount of safety gear is going to save you.

I did see that someone was killed on Hot Rod Power Tour this year. He was driving a 69 Camaro when a nonparticipant crossed the center line and hit him head on. It makes me wonder if he had any seat belt on. If not, could a three point belt have saved his life?

Old cars and trucks are great, but if the equipment is out there to better protect ourselves and isn't prohibitively expensive, we should really think about it.

Just because we drive cautiously doesn't mean we can control the other idiots out there.

Last edited by andymarkv; 09-10-2010 at 09:56 AM.
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