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Old 09-11-2010, 10:34 PM   #7
too much stuff
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Re: NOS parts Fuel cap, cab mouldings, seatbelt covers, CST20 Emblems

Originally Posted by 70LonghornCST View Post
I have a few NOS parts for sale:

1. NOS 69-70 Chevy PU/67-72 GMC fuel cap #3975177 $30 shipped

2. NOS Right and Left side Upper cab mouldings (clips included, but no nuts). $60 shipped (toomuchstuff has 1st dibs)

3. NOS shoulder belt boot for 73 PU. Looks just like 67-72 but dimple runs vertical. $25 shipped Beige

3. 2 NOS seat belt covers with new aftermarket buttons Beige $40 shipped for the pair

4. CST20 mouldings. 1 is NOS (no package, but the pins are untapped), the other is a Very Nice used one. $50 shipped

5. New set of vent wing windows. Reproduction, chrome, and tinted. $400 shipped for the pair. (would trade for RH NOS fender)

I will post pictures soon.
I thought it was just the beer talkin, but you have 2 number 3s... If the first number 3 is available, let me know...
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