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Old 09-19-2010, 11:27 AM   #2
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Re: How low can I go with inner fenders?

Take a look at my build and duplicate it. Your on the right track with the parts so far. Just add a set 0f 245/40/20's up front and 295/40/20's out back and you are good to go.

The top pick posted is with the bump stops removed. I had Roger at RPL build a custom bump stop so I can still roll with it aired out. That doesn't mean "drive" that low, just roll while cruising a parking lot.

In the rear, I have the Ride Tech "Air Bar" system. It's about as low as you can go and not cut your bed. I can probably go a little lower by playing with the shocks, but it already has the ability to go lower in the rear than the front.
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