Originally Posted by JohnC
Looks good man. Just be careful letting the wife know you can do all that in a short amount of time. 
The cats out of the bag!
Originally Posted by oldiron
Was going to refi but paid off the mortgage instead.
Glad you fixed the sheetrock. I was getting tired of looking at that messy wall. 
I was tired of lookin at it too. It used to be a half concrete & 4x4 post monstrosity.
Originally Posted by 67ChevyRedneck
The porch looks really great!
I've been really slack at my place. I have finished the living room trim and put up the crown and base molding in the guest room. I've been in the garage a lot 
It's kinda been on my wish list. The porch was grey spandex. Stuff is great but figured it would be safe to put some holes in, in the covered areas. Thanks
I had to tear out the ceiling again. The shower above was still leaking. It was plumbed in PVC which made for a simple repair. I cut the old out with my 18v recip. saw and replaced it. The wife decided she no longer wanted the roll top in our office room. We decided on some utility cabinets. What a pita! I hate paticle board! Oh well it's done. Back to the shop now.