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Old 09-22-2010, 03:18 AM   #6
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Re: NOS PARTS, where Can I in bulk?

Ok I live in Las Vegas, so ther aren't to many small towns around that can aford to host a dealer lol.Compared to to Vegas we have the largest automall in the world like 20 somthing dealships in one area. I have bought OS parts inthe past but it was at an auction for lo of random Stuff.

Anyone know of a website that host closing dealers? Please Please Please

If anyone is one the west coast and know of a dealer closing please let me know or if you have parts in bulk and want to sell, I am not rich just trying to get there.

I would like to start a old chevy NOS parts biz but I think EBAY NOS parts is more practicle,

WEll like is said if anyone would like to help Thank you and thanks to the other wonderful members for respnding
"Some of my finest hours have been spent on my back veranda, smoking hemp and observing as far as my eye can see."
- Thomas Jefferson
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