Thread: 68 Orginal 50th
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Old 09-23-2010, 08:11 PM   #1
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68 Orginal 50th

The thread on the [ Now this is a 50th] Asking price $30,000.00.
If that truck goes for that price my truck should bring $35,000.00or$40,000.00.
Here are some pictures.
My truck was took down to the bare frame,sand blasted and painted,then part by part was put back together.every part put back on was new or rebuilt.
All new wireing all brakeing parts, bears, shocks, The seat cloth is not correct,but i will change that.
My Son and my self put a lot of hard work ,and love, in this truck.
Some one ask me how much would i take for it, I tould him $50,000.00 or more.You can't put a price on personal hard work.
Tailgate letters has now been put on. Also check out the truck history.
98 Chevy Z71 1500 extended cab
99 Dodge carvan es
68 Chevy C10 LWB 50TH 396 eng 400 Trans
62 Wheel Horse tractor in good shape

Last edited by woodchip; 09-23-2010 at 08:21 PM. Reason: update
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