Thread: 200R4 Swap ?
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Old 09-24-2010, 06:13 PM   #28
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Re: 200R4 Swap ?

I've had one in my 67 for a couple years now. The only issue I have is that it won't kick down out of lock up until there's a lot of throttle (or tap the brakes but it goes right back into 4th). It's a pain when in 30-45mph traffic as it lugs the motor. I've been to 3 tranny shops for adjustments but it hasn't worked out.
My solution was to put in a small dash toggle switch connected to the brake switch sensor and switch off the lock out when cruising around town (back to basically a turbo 350).
Do you guys have any problem with it releasing 4th gear lock up at a reasonable throttle position? Maybe I should continue my search for a tranny swap expert.

Last edited by Mondo; 09-24-2010 at 06:15 PM.
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