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Old 10-07-2010, 11:07 PM   #9
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Re: The Painless harness

i installed a painless wiring harness in my 70 c20. i have no experience or understanding of wiring other then negative and positive. went togeher without a hitch. i got it for a horrible price, dont ask. but i had it together after a few weekends. i took my time and the only thing i need that wasnt included was a diode of the alternater wire. all the wires were labed every few inches also and the plugs that i had to reuse were the stering column and something else, cant remember but it wasnt diffucult removing old pins and installing the new ones. all the fuses come pre installed and has extra wires for things like power windows,ac, 1 wire alternator and a few other accessories i cant remember
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