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Old 10-18-2010, 08:00 PM   #1
Quit if it's not FUN!!!
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Indian Trail, N.C,
Posts: 864
N ext Generation - Radio Cover Plate

Thought I'd share some pics of my completed radio project. Fabbed a plate from some 1/8" masonite and some scrap aluminum to mount a RetroSound 5x7 Dual voce coil speaker. Don't listen to radio much but this should suffice. Since my dash had already been cut for an "am/fm-cassette deck",and I couldn't afford some of the really nice aluminum ones seen here, I whittled up the last vestiges of some 3/4" thick solid walnut, left over from a coffee table I made in high school back in the early '60s. Got it all done and even though the wiring's not done, I couldn't resist the urge to stuff the head unit in place.
Dash cluster was disassembled, cleaned and a careful application of flat black, silver and masking tape..

Time spent - whole day Monday
finish product - decent enough
$$$$ spent - PRICELESS
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Last edited by TobyArnot; 10-18-2010 at 08:05 PM. Reason: omission
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