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Old 11-01-2010, 06:42 PM   #7
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Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Glen Ellen, CA
Posts: 15
Re: Rear Brake Fitting?

Hi drunkbus. First, thanks for all the help.

I just got off with phone with skyjacker again, and once again they said that they have no fitting that clips onto the frame. I've see the standard fittings at Summit and JEGS, but skyjacker says they don't supply any with that kit. I had him go to this thread on the forum, and look at the pictures that you posted, and he said that he didn't think that the adapter at the frame was from them.

My rear line kit, the RBL12, came with the hose, the T block, two male-to-female adapters for the T block (-3 AN to 3/8-24, maybe), and a -3 AN female to 3/8-24 female barrel union that has no provision for a clip in any way, and is small enough that it slides right trhough the frame bracket.

As one last try, do you happen to remember the part number of the skyjacker kit that you bought? Either I got the wrong kit, or they've cut back on their parts, because it sure looks to me like you got the right parts, and I didn't.

Either way, I'm mightly disappointed in skyjacker. I thought when you sell someone a kit to replace a stock part it ought to fit, or at least warn you if you have to do fitting yourself. Especially on something like brake systems, where a misfit could be significant. I know that they've surely influenced my views about any further purchases from them.
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