Re: Would running straight water be causing a slightly higher temp?
From what I understand nothing cools better than water. Water will not boil at 212 degrees being it is under pressure. Straight water dissipates heat best, better than antifreeze mix. But antifreeze has the anti corrosion prohibitors your system needs, as well as, you guessed it anti freeze properties (as you already knew).
Your engine is running hotter because it is new (as mentioned before). Water for break in should not be an issue.
I would not run it with tap water but, I would use distilled water and I would not go more than a couple of days before I would drain that an add the antifreeze.
When you say break in I would think you mean running it for 20-30 minutes to break in the cam.
Being in sunny so cal I like 70% distilled water and 30% antifreeze.
Good luck, huero.