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Old 11-04-2010, 10:14 PM   #6
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Re: Preping frame for Powdercoat

Originally Posted by GaryM View Post
Think I will be removing all the rivets on my frame. I have been welding for a living for almost 10 years now so have lots of exp at keeping things squar and true in the end..

Think it would be cheeper when time to blast and PC the frame because no crazy corners to get clean.

are you going to PC it in pieces? whats going to happen when you put it back together and your not metal to metal? I am not trying to sound negative!!! just trying to understand the advantage of getting the rust under the rivets verse the actual intergity of the frame.

1972 C10 SWB LS1/T56 6 speed trans/4:56 posi with 5.5"-7" static drop/Boss 338 Wheels 18"x20"

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