Indeed, the 6:34 would be nice to have for descending the steep grades we often encounter in the mountains around here or in the AZ/UT Canyonlands but gaining overdrive will be so welcoming I’ll probably forget about the 6:34 granny gear that will be missing.

Which do you have in your truck right now?
I’ve been looking at a few different hydraulic winches. A few multispeed tow truck industry type hydraulic winches as well as a Milemarker HI12000. Whichever comes along cheaper. It will be down a road a ways before that plan comes together as I still need to buy a front bumper (Buckstop) or fab one up. You’re right! The current bumper and Sidewinder will eventually wind up on the K20 wrecker I recently inherited.
I haven’t received the AA kit yet but from the pictures I have found online it looks like the transfercase will be moving back about 5 to 6 inches, which I don’t like. I figured the shafts would need to be reworked, but I am not digging the idea of it moving back that far! I am somewhat considering a 1989 Suburban NP241 sitting at the local bone yard for $100 but nervous about putting it behind the 8.1L. Time will tell once the AA kit gets here and bolted together. If I don’t like the AA goods I may just grab the 241 and do a slip yoke eliminator kit and hope for the best. It would really suck to explode a tcase in the middle of the AZ/UT back country. GM didn’t use 241 behind big blocks, they were always Borg-Warner cases or the 261HD starting in 2001, both with the wrong front output.