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Old 11-23-2010, 09:59 PM   #8
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Shuswap, BC
Posts: 152
Re: What do you think it's worth? (it doesn't matter)

Shortly after I posted this I decided I was going to buy it. Luckily for me the guy I was buying it from said he would meet me half way......unluckily for me it was this weekend. In in the interior of BC and the truck was in Nevada so we met in Portland, and the roads could not have been worse. What should have been a 10 hour trip home was 16 hours. Going through Seattle on the Freeway at 8:30 in the morning on a sheet of ice was an adventure.

My tow vehicle was a little light for the job, but we made it and the Blazer is in my garage safe and sound.

All the stuff at the border went pretty well. You defientely don't want to BS those guys on the price you paid. They do their home work. If anyone has any questions about that let me know.

I still have to get it inspected, but I don't plan on driving it until spring. Lots of little things to do this winter on it....hopefully nothing major.

The pic was taken this morning by a friend when I arrived.
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