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Old 12-06-2010, 06:01 PM   #14
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Re: Hill Billy's at there finest with a C10

Well if I had a choice of music to listen to the rest of my life. Well that would be DOO WOP. Rap, I listen to cause I was born and raised in Southern Cali 1984...So a lot of my youth listen to that. I adapted. I hate it now for the most part. I love old country music, Its real and doesn't for the most part lust over the riches of the world. But back to trucks. Trucks make America. True story right? Without trucks most of what was built today would not be here without the trucks? I couldn't see a 1964 impala hauling wood,beams and what not to build the houses and buildings. I like trucks! Especially CHEVY AND GMC. Is this thread not about a truck in the video anyways?
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