Originally Posted by Longhorn Man
if the 327 is worn and knocking... it's worth very little without a rebuild. Without being inspected, you don't even know if the block is worth rebuilding.
So worst case scenerio... you may spend just as much on the 350 that you may end up spending on the 327.
An engine that is questionable is to be considered scrap metal untill proven good.
I agree with Longhorn. Your 27 is running with a known area of concern versus a 50 not assembled and called "rebuilt". You know what you have but dont with the other. Who knows.....did he find one or more major components with flaws (cracks, bent or mismatched). In a box it might look good, but a cracked block and crank, mismatched rods/ pistons and warped heads could be all you get. For these reasons......bad trade.