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Old 12-20-2010, 10:05 PM   #11
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Re: transfer case exchange

Originally Posted by ol yellow 72 View Post
im pretty confident i can do the transfer case part, but whats involved in making the front end locking hub? i know it cant be as simple as just putting the lockers on
Actually it is about that simple.

Do yourself a favor and inspect and repack your bearings at the same time.

Layout a shop towel, 6pack box flat, or cardboard and layout the parts as you disassemble.

Once you get the chrome cap off, there is a big snap ring around the edge of the hub and one on the axle. remove the metal gear the ties the axle to the hub, the big tension spring, and the axle nuts n washer.

Remove the hub, remove and repack the inner and outer bearings and repalce the seal. If you remove the 6 nuts that hold the spindle there another caged bearing that should be inspected and repacked inside the spindle.

While you got the spindle out you can actually pull the front axles out and inspect the u-joints and replace if needed.

When you go to put it back together there will be a new part time gear assbly that replaces the big metal one u pulled, and the lockout hub will bolt to that replacing the chrome cap.
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