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Old 12-28-2010, 10:47 AM   #7
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Re: Eastwoods Rust Converter/Encapsulter???

Originally Posted by bkquill View Post
So, first I need to remove all the gunk. Use oven cleaner and steel brushes. Check.
Second, use por-15 on the chassis (the frame, axles, control arms, etc.). Check.
Spray on primer?
Spray on paint?
Replace all bushings with poly ones?
Put back together?

Either Rust Encapsulator or Por-15 will do a good job for you. I would suggest searching the site for Por-15 or Rust encapsulator. You'll find some great posts on both products for and against (It's almost a religious thing sometimes ) along with lots of advise on using them.

Whatever product you use, you definitely want all the grease and grime gone, or the paint won't stick. With POR or Encapsulator, you won't need primer or paint over them unless you just want that. My chassis components are just plain black with several coats of POR-15.

Note that POR-15 will fade in ultraviolet light from the sun, but under the truck, the chassis should be OK.

The general consensus I have seen is Poly bushings for the chassis, rubber for the engine / body (engine mounts, trans mounts, Cab and radiator support mounts rubber) -- I've done all my chassis bushings in poly, haven't done the body/engine yet, so I am just telling you what I've read here.
1972 C10 LWB, 350/350

Deconstruction began 5/2009, mostly completed restoration, 5/2017
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