Thread: Disk brake ???
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Old 12-31-2010, 12:50 AM   #10
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Re: Disk brake ???

jakeblues652,... here's your personalized answer in another members thread.
(Also,... this question is answered almost every day here on this board)

All 6-lug "aftermarket" rotors are copies of the 71-87 5-lug (1.25" wide) rotor that has been cast as a blank rotor and then drilled 6-lug.
Any parts store 71-87 caliper will work as long as it's for the HD rotors. (not the light duty 1" rotors)
Any 73-87 brake pad will work.
71-72 rubber hoses will work.
65-70 "conversion" rubber hoses will work.
The spindle has to be the oem HD 71-87 spindle.
Or any aftermarket standard or drop spindle for 1.25" wide rotors.

I hope this helps,...

Convert to disc brakes.

Last edited by lolife99; 12-31-2010 at 12:53 AM.
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