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Old 01-06-2011, 05:23 PM   #3
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Re: Engine Wire Loom Routing

Originally Posted by ivanuf2 View Post
I am just starting the wire harness install. I got the Painless set up and looks good so far. My question is based on the experience of people that had done this before, What is the best way to route the engine section, front section, ect. I will like a clean install and not have wire looms laying around the engine bay. Any pics and cable routing ideas, tips and tricks before I start? Here is a pic of my engine bay at this point. Thanks in advance for the help.
The stock wiring uses those silly plastic wire tunnels along the rear of the cowl and over the Rad from the driver to passenger side. When I rewired my truck I ran the wires for the passenger side lights and starter over the trans, down the frame alonside the trans cooler lines and up to the power post and right side turn signal and headlight connections. On the drivers side I separated out the alternator connection, sleeved it in stainless braid and ran it along the carb side of the valve cover on that side. Water temp sender on my block is on the passenger side as is the electric choke so I wrapped those in stainless braid and ran them along the carb side of valve cover on the passenger side. The remainder of the lighting harness and horn wiring was fed between the fender above the inner liner so it is completely hidden.
Very clean, most of the wiring is now completely hidden and where it is visible it is wrapped in stainless braid and clamped with stainless clamps so it can't flop around. The more time you spend here the better your engine bay will look.

Last edited by Fitz; 01-06-2011 at 05:24 PM.
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