Thanks! The tires are BFG 33" tall 12.50 wide, on a 16.5 1969 vintage wheels.
Back in the day my Dad ran the burb with the original split rims, and they were black from the factory. Though he purchased the 16.5 plain steel wheels from our neighbor, the neighbors truck was a 1969 K20 pick up and they were originally white.
So, there are some vintage photo's of my burb with those white wheels.
Back in the day my Dad and I called the highway tires "the blacks", and the off road tires we called "the whites".
Now a days I am trying to keep the burb as "original looking" as possible, though personally I have always like the white wheels on it. Since they matched the white roof and grill nicely.
As for the current tires I have on there, I am tired of them and really want to go with the size you originally asked about. Since I think the tires I have now are a little to wide, since I rub the steering arm nut when I make a hard lock right turn.