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Old 01-15-2011, 02:37 AM   #1
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Location: Springfield, Oregon
Posts: 12
3spd to TH400 driveline

Just about to swap out my 250 6 cyl/3 spd in my 68' SWB for a 327/TH400 out of a 68' donor. I've rebuilt the motor and believe I have all of my ducks in a row with all of my parts with the exception of my driveline length which I was assuming I would need to figure out after the motor and tranny were in place. However, as many of you have more knowledge with these trucks than I (although I have owned my 68' for 19 years...) I thought I'd ask and find out if I'd be lucky enough to be able to use my stock driveline from my manual 3 spd with my TH400 by just changing the yoke. Without yet taking any measurements I'm guessing the TH400 will be too long and therefore my driveline also too long even with changing the yoke, but again, I'm sure someone out here has some advice as this is a common swap.

David (Oregon)
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