Dude do not do the flip.

I did it and had to take it out after the first ride. It is an unbearable ride, stiff as a rock. I took it out and left the rear leaf spring above the axel and remove most of the leafs, left only three on each pack. The truck sits about 2" higher than with the flip, but is a pleasure to ride. The attached pictures show the truck before (unbearable ride) with 2.5" drop spindle at front and 3" lowering springs at front, flip leaf on the rear. Also on a ride around the block It touched the frame so a C-notch was needed to keep the axel flip. The picture of the truck on the highway is the after photo (great ride) with 2.5" drop spindle at front and 2" lowering springs at front, rear leafs above axel with only 3 leafs. I hope this helps.