Thread: Motor mounts
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Old 01-17-2011, 04:26 PM   #8
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Re: Motor mounts

I bought mine from NAPA, and one of the threads were bad from the start...might have even been metric so check them out before you install them... got another set and still had a few issues, just poor quality. I think there is only a few manufacturers of these so if they say "made in India" then they are the same as what I had.

For a little bit more the energy suspension set will be a better product. The poly never rots and the customer service is good as well. I used their spring bushings and any issues where sold right away.
The Garage:
1968 K-10 SWB - "Project Money Pit"
1996 Z-71 - "huntin rig"
1969 C-10 LWB (SOLD) "Project flip that truck or else"
1993 Passport, F@rd 1-ton (SOLD)"Project Cousin Eddie"

My Garage Build "The 1,000 footer"

Last edited by msgross; 01-17-2011 at 04:27 PM.
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