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Old 01-18-2011, 07:02 PM   #1
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Underbed Gas Tank, but NOT behind axle..


My '71 pickup has an Aux tank that is right behind the cab, under the pickup bed just in front of the rear left wheel well. The filler is mounted on the side of the bed just to the right of the main tank filler to the in-cab tank.

This Aux tank is no good and rusted out, I need to replace it. Took it to a shop, they claim it is beyond repair, no way to clean it up and make it serviceable again. I have seen the behind the axle option, I don't want to go with that because my bed already has that huge hole it it for the aux tank in it now. I also think where it is not is much more convienient.

I am pretty sure this is a custom job unless it was a dealer option that not many folks did. Any suggestions where I can buy a canned sized rectangular shapped tank that I can put here? Having a custom one built is $700, I'd like a cheaper option.
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