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Old 01-18-2011, 08:44 PM   #4
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Re: Underbed Gas Tank, but NOT behind axle..

I feel obligated to post this web site:
Apparantly these saddle tanks have some safety issues worse than the pinto due to the fact they are mounted outside the frame, and easily punctured in a crash (apparantly causing blow ups and fires in a crash). I personally am going to ignore the risk, but that is my choice, you all may want to take the warning of this autosafety website more seriously.

Thanks for the info folks. I will look into the saddle tank, that sound promising for me. I will also take some photos of the tank I have and the spot it goes in. That will have to wait a few days though, the truck is currently still in the shop for other issues. I normally work on my own truck, however it is needed this weekend and I don't have time to fix the brake and clutch problem before then (minor stuff anyway).

Please keep the suggestions coming if your interested, everyone here alwayse has good ideas to solve the tough problems.

Last edited by nonamecharlie; 01-18-2011 at 08:45 PM.
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