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Old 01-24-2011, 02:57 AM   #8
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Re: Ca truck out of DMV computer

Do some research in the CA vehicle code. Here is a list of relevant sections. Semantics are crucial. If when you go in they tell you you would have to apply for historical vehicle plates say no, this is a special interest vehicle not a vehicle of historical interest.

Start by reading ca vc 4604, and find that our vehicles are exempt from standard registration rules via 4604 section D rule 3, specifically a vehicle described in ca vc 5051.

Which means that we are eligible for stipulations 4604, c, 1 and 2, which say we don't have to pay back dues.

ca vc 5050 is a statement in our favor, reading basically that rebuilding cars is favorable.

ca vc 5051 is a list of definitions of vehicles, you will find 5051 B includes our vehicles as vehicles "of age" (older than 25), which because they are out of production, or restored or maintained by hobbyists. Here is the most crucial part of all this. 5051 b states that the vehicle must be unaltered from the manufacturers original specifications. This is tricky language that can mean either nothing has been changed, or nothing has been altered through after market parts, most of the time dmv employees won't even catch this, if they do say here is the manual, check my truck.

ca vc 5052 is protection from harassing neighbors, stipulating the allowance and requirements of having and working on a vehicle on your property.

Please make sure you read all of it, and fully understand it before you go to the DMV. Most likely the manager you will end up speaking with is going to be hesitant and will never have read these rules. Make sure you guide them through it all nicely and accurately, proving to them you don't have to pay back fees, just don't take no for an answer. There were plenty of times they said "you're wrong here, go away" and I'd fire back "no, this is the wording indicates such and such". I only had to pay because I was trying to go around the system and get my truck out of the database.

Oh well, I like to think it just means I payed 400 bucks for registration and black plates.

Good luck.
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