I have that saved, it was by JimKshortstep4x4:
Senior Member
Registered: Jul 2001
Location: Kentwood,MI,USA
Posts: 1259
We make the van tilt neutral safety switch slots the same dimensions as on the column. It is located 8" from the lower end
and centered in line with the old switch slot. We weld a 1/4x1/4
angle to the shifter tube which is 1/2" long as in the pic. Once the
angle is in place we put the neutral safety switch in neutral and the shifter in neautral. The small slot on the neutral safety switch fits over the verticle leg of the angle which orients the switch. We then drill the two screw holes so that they are located in the middle of the adjustment slots on the neutral safety switch, just in case some adjustment is needed.
The nice part of doing it this way, the factory wires plug in and there is no interference with the mounting of the column.
72 GMC Sierra SWB almost finished---- 84 Softail
Olive Branch MS