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Old 02-14-2011, 11:41 AM   #8
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Posts: 12
Re: serious carb problem/ gas leak into intake

If you just rebuilt your carb, you probably have your float set wrong and the bowls are over filling and draining into the intake. Also when the temp outside is coming up in the afternoon you are building enough pressure in the tank to push fuel through the carb and a siphon gets going and doesn't want to stop till you run out of fuel.

Also, if you got that much fuel in your motor, I would recommend draining the oil, putting in new, reprimming everything, running it for a few minutes and changing the oil again. Simply because if you put that much fuel in there you've probably washed everything down. Meaning all the oil is gone from the rings in the cylinders, the cam will dry ect, ect. I know it's a pain in the ars but it's a good piece of mind.

It would really suck to loose a lobe on you cam or something for lack of lube.

Ooh and hi all I'm a new guy.
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