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Old 03-02-2011, 12:13 AM   #2
ya it is a classic
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Location: conrad, montana
Posts: 253
Re: Needed? Front End Rebuild

well since u got it down to the bare chasis already i would say its a good time to go with all new upgraded suspension. what are u going to be using the truck for? are you keeping it stock or building it for a daily driver? im definatly not an expert but you can look at the ball joints after you jack up the front end and turn the tires all the say to one side and see if the rubber boot is cracked and that will tell you if they are old and worn out atleast. and tie rods you can try to move them back and forth and see if there is any play in them. and while ur at this stage you could upgrade the front brakes to discs if there drums now. also what pickup do you have and mabey post up some pics if you have any...we love pics!
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