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Old 03-02-2011, 01:28 PM   #10
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Re: Needed? Front End Rebuild

Originally Posted by stich626 View Post
bepends on your budget..
even bolted in ball joints can be 30 years old..
i'd look it all over.. and me myself would replace the balljoints now if there is any question.
tierods /etc are easy to replace later..
once you take it to be lined up. they'll tell you whats loose..
but you ARE down to a bare frame..
it might be the best time to look at the a arm bushings/balljoints
better question is Did the truck look like it was mantained correctly before you got it
if yes, it's more than likely safe to bet on the parts under there to be ok.
if not.. well
Truck had been rearended, so the frame was from a donor. The cab and front clip i got were in PRISTINE shape. In hindsight it was a shame I decided to not keep it totally stock.

The frame too had CLEARLY been "painted to sell" it look really nice but, paint had been sprayed straight over thick layers of grease, grime and dirt. So hard to say. I think I may just take some time and really inspect it. I plan to spend a month or two driving it before it goes to paint, so if it is sloppy I can always rebuild it when the clip coms back off for paint.
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