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Old 03-02-2011, 04:40 PM   #1
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WTB: A/C Control Mounting Bracket

It seems I am missing a bracket needed to mount my A/C control panel to the dash. I've attached an example of what it looks like (part that is circled is what I need). Not my picture, but using it to give you a visual on what I need since I don't know its official name - if it has one.

If you have one you can sell to me, please let me know what it would cost shipped to 72714. It doesn't have to be perfect, but should be in decent enough shape that I can clean it up and it won't be rusty or stripped, etc.
Attached Images

1967 C10 SWB
383 Stroker/TH400
Brother's One Piece Power Windows
Shaved Doors, Markers, and Bumpers
4/6 Early Classic Drop
Rear Fuel Tank (49-52 Chevy Car Tank)
Surf Blue Paint

Bella Vista, AR (Arkansas for those that get the 'A' states mixed up)

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