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Old 03-06-2011, 10:30 PM   #2
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Re: Filling Holes in Firewall - My Solution

Originally Posted by AusTx68 View Post
As they say, hindsight is 20/20. When I had my cab painted I overlooked having the holes in the firewall sealed up. Had I been thinking, every hole would have been welded and painted. Instead I was stuck with all those open holes in the firewall. today I finally decided to do something about it.

I picked up some trim fasteners from my local autoparts store. These are the same fasteners used to hold door panels. Out of the package they are black, smooth and glossy looking. I used light sand paper to remove the gloss then sprayed them with primer. Once dry, I lightly sanded the primer with 600 grit. I then spray them with a base coat of Atomic Orange from a rattle can. After an hour I went over it with automotive clear also from a rattle can. The results were better than expected. In the photos below they are sitting over the holes but not yet secure. I plan to cut small pieces of leftoever Dynamat to cover the holes from the inside. Then pierce a hole and push them into place.

I still need to fill the remaining holes and add grommets where the wires pass thru. When it's done it will look way better than all those holes!

After spraying base coat Atomic Orange

After applying clear coat

Firewall holes before

Firewall holes after

So simple. Looks great.
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