Re: Craigslist..well Nex-tech find.
Clarification.. mine started out as a two wheel drive 3/4 ton crew cab with a long bed.. someone b4 i aquired mine (morphed) it into a one ton 4x4 but didn't do a great job. the cab was rotten & had to be taken off b4 it fell off. the tranny leaked and slipped bad.. other problems too, but had alot of potential. It's in my profile pic b4 I disassembled it. The trk I just picked up has ALOT of good shape parts on it, but I need to determine if I should put the cab & body on mine.. or put the one ton suspention & 4x4 components under that white one I just aquired... if it can be done. Never tried this b4 and looking for suggestions on wich way might be more cost efficient and less hassle..... JP