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Old 03-19-2011, 08:02 PM   #1
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australian guy in ca.What the heck did i buy?? 1968 c10 4x4???

hi new to this truck thing im from australia and live in ca.

and bought a 1968 c10 down the street for me.. because i tow a trailer out of state i thought it would be good.....?? how ever i was told it was a factory 1968 i dont think it is..the tranny cover has been cut for the 2 stick shifts...the glove box tag reads hydromatic...and the rear end and front end are 8 lugers and are looking real heavy duty??? i was thrown off because it looked so original with paint and all and there was no colum shift hole either....??? i looked at the body mounts and there new like some one took the body off and put it on another chassis?? 2 front bolts are not done on the pick up bed and now i can see the out line of were it was sitting on another frame.....could some one please tell me what i bought ????? also the frame number stamped under the power sterring is 9F826789???? what year chassis is it and from what??? The motor needs a rebuild thoe...befor i go any further i want to know what i got ...please help me if any one can?? also is this set up on this truck a good conversion or is it an original 4x4???? im kind of bumbed out because i was told it was an original 4x4 from 1968 and it had all its original paint and that was what i was looking for.....please help thanx

my email is if some one can email me on what i have bought and my cell is 831 210 6780
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