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Old 07-14-2003, 01:50 PM   #3
John Deere Tech
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: NEBRASKA
Posts: 368
It's been a while since I played with a Dana 44 front, but what you're describing sounds pretty normal. There really isn't anything out at the end of the axle tube to support the axle, other than the spindle bearings that carry the stub shaft. If I remember correctly, there isn't any sort of seal in the outer end of the tube. The lube is sealed into the third member by lip seals located just outboard of the side bearings. I would pull the hubs and spindles, and take a look at those spindle bearings. If I remember correctly, they are just little caged needle bearings, and might be worn out or gone. You could also have some wear on your stub shafts, so check everything carefully, and make sure to pack the spindle bearings with good grease.
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