Not sure I installed my Head gaskets Correctly
Ok so I have some questions, I think I might have done my head gaskets wrong. I know for sure I did not torque them the right way. I found the instructions that I gave my father to read and he never said anything about oiling the bolts and oiling under the head of the bolts. The new bolts came with non hardening on them. so I just torqued them down and thought i was done.
I also "think" i put the permatorque head gaskets on correctly but I didn't double check to make sure all the oil and coolant passages were not blocked by the gasket. I know i check to see if the gasket said this side up or said front or rear. I saw nothing, even on the new ones i just bought to redo the job. it doesnt say what way is up or front. The only thing i see is R11 or R12 on the right side of each gasket.
I also wonder if i have to buy new bolts again since i Torqued the ones I already bought.
If you can help thanks, Im just learning all this stuff.
I would hate to think I did it Correctly and some how over heat my heads, when I finally start up my motor.
Last edited by kcfirstbuild; 03-26-2011 at 01:55 PM.