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Old 04-02-2011, 05:17 PM   #1
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Pictures of Gas Tanks

Okay, here's pictures of the two gas tanks that I have on my 72 burb. As per an earlier post I have on whether or not I should replace, re-line, or leave alone my tanks. I'm "thinking" that the first picture (main gas tank) is not original because it looks to be in fairly good shape.
I'm also thinking that the reserve tank (second picture) is an add-on. The reason being is it seems to have brakets welded on to hold the reserve that doesn't seem to be factory done (IMHO). Also, can you see the drain plug on the bottom? I don't think that is normal? or is it??
Any suggestions? I'm seriously thinking of taking the line off at the gas pump and pouring gas into the tank to see what comes out.
What say you??
Thanks again for the helps.
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Last edited by JoeKan; 04-02-2011 at 06:10 PM. Reason: Clarity
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