Originally Posted by emil77
Does anybody know the name of the housing on top that has those phillip screws?
The box that attaches to the "bullet" and has the speedo cable attached to it is a speedometer correction/calibration box.
They are used in the heavy truck industry to calibrate the speedometers of semi trucks and the 4x4 guys use them to recalibrate the speedometers when they change tire size without pulling the transfer case off the transmission and changing the drive gears.
They have little gears inside like a set of quick change gears and you run the truck down the road and figure how much the speedometer/odometer is off and go back and make a gear change in the box to get the speedometer corrected. When I worked at Ryder truck rental in Waco, tx it was something that they checked/ did on every new truck that came in or on trucks that got a tire size change.
The first thing I would do is figure out exactly where the fluid is leaking. Wipe it off and maybe flush it off with brake cleaner and then take a short run down the road and check for leaks. as soon as you see fluid starting to seep out you can tell exactly where it is leaking and go from there.
On that particular box I think that you could go to a big truck parts house or dealer's parts counter and find pieces for it.