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Old 07-21-2003, 02:12 PM   #17
69 1/2 Sixpack Bee
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Join Date: Mar 2000
Location: Ontario, California
Posts: 40
Hey Blue, all tol'led I have abot $2500.00 (less purchase price) on a budget and with alot of original pieces. I bought the truck for $1,100.00 about 5 years ago with the intent of using it as a "trash hauler" but after further investigation I realized it had alot more potential. I had replaced some rusty panels and put a whole front clip on it I got from a '70 in a wrecking yard that I had in the yard for a couple of years. So I decided in May to "gear up" and start the bodywork. I was not going to spend countless
hours massaging body panels but I did get the big ones out. I could have gotten carried away with this project, believe me, but I kept to the plan and I was running out of time. Even a backyard resto is VERY TIME CONSUMING! to say the least.
I can drive this up to any cruise nite and fit right in with the best of them. It was not my intention to make it a show stopper but it IS very eye appealing and to be quite honest it did come out much better than I had anticipated. What started out to be not much more than a "Macco" type special blossomed into a very pleasant and "as good if not better" than a factory job!
Bill...the link should work...

Last edited by 69 1/2 Sixpack Bee; 07-22-2003 at 02:09 AM.
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